Sunday, October 16, 2016

ActiveMQ Message Attribute definitions

[Details are collected from several online references to ActiveMQ documentation, StackOverflow, blogs, mailing lists etc. Expecting expert comments or reviews regarding this post since it was difficult to find a direct trustful resource related to this topic.]

Delivery Mode
Delivery mode can be either persistent(integer value 2) or nonpersistent(integer value 1).
An Unique ID for the message. Automatically assigned when the message is received to JMS server.
A priority level for each message. Priority range is 0-9. 0 is the lowest priority and 9 is highest.
Value is a boolean. If the true message will be considered for redelivery. If the false message will not be considered for redelivery.
for the time when the message is received by the JMS server.

ActiveMQ Queue Attribute definitions

[Details are collected from several online references to ActiveMQ documentation, StackOverflow, blogs, mailing lists etc. Expecting expert comments or reviews regarding this post since it was difficult to find a direct trustful resource related to this topic.]

Available messages in the queue or topic.
Producer Count
Number of producers for the particular destination.
Average Enqueue Time
On average, the amount of time (ms) that messages
remained enqueued.
Average Message Size
Average message size in bytes related to the specific queue.
Broker ID
ID of the JMS broker which the particular queue/topic is own by
Broker Name
Name of the JMS broker which the particular queue/topic is own by
Consumer Count
Number of consumers for the particular destination.
Dequeue Count
Total number of messages removed from a queue and committed. This value reset on the JMS startup.
Destination Name
Name of the particular queue or topic.
Dispatch Count
Dequeue count + Inflight Count
Enqueue Count
Total number of messages sent to a queue and committed. This value reset on the JMS startup.
Expired Count
The total number of messages in the queue that were not delivered since they are expired.
Inflight Count
Total number of messages sent from the queue to consumers but not committed.
Max Enqueue Time
The maximum amount of time(ms) that messages remain enqueued.
Memory Limit
Memory limit, in bytes, used for holding undelivered messages before paging to temporary storage.
Memory Percent Usage
Percent of memory limit used.
Memory Usage
Total memory usage for available messages in the queue. Value is in Bytes.
Messages Cached
Number of messages in cache. [Need to verify]
Min Enqueue Time
The minimum amount of time(ms) that messages remain enqueued.

ActiveMQ Broker Attribute definitions

[Details are collected from several online references to ActiveMQ documentation, StackOverflow, blogs, mailing lists etc. Expecting expert comments or reviews regarding this post since it was difficult to find a direct trustful resource related to this topic.]

Average Enqueue Time
On average, the amount of time (ms) that messages
remained enqueued.
Average Message Size
Average message size in bytes related to all the destinations in the broker.
Broker ID
An unique ID for the JMS broker. Automatically assigned in the startup.
Broker Name
A name for the JMS broker. This can be configured when the Broker is initialized. If not configured a default value will be assigned eg: localhost
Consumer Count
Total number of consumers related to all available destinations of the JMS broker.
Data Directory
ActiveMQ DB file store location.
Dequeue Count
Total Number of messages removed and committed from all the available queues of the JMS broker. This value resets on the JMS startup.
Dispatch Count
Dequeue Count + Inflight Count
Enqueue Count
Total Numbers of messages sent to all available queues and committed. This value resets on the JMS startup.
Expired Count
Total number of undelivered messages in all of the queues due to message expiration.
Inflight Count
Total number of messages sent from all the queues available in JMS broker to consumers but not committed.
Max Enqueue Time
The maximum amount of time(ms) that messages remain enqueued.
Memory Limit
Memory limit, in bytes, used for holding undelivered messages before paging to temporary storage.
Memory Percent Usage
Percentage of memory allocated for the broker to keep track of destinations, cache messages etc.
Memory Usage
Amount of memory available for the broker from the JVM memory
Messages Cached
Number of messages in the cache. [Need to verify]
Min Enqueue Time
The minimum amount of time(ms) that messages remain enqueued.
If OpenWire transportconnector is defined in activemq.xml, connection URL for that transport.
Total available message count of all destinations in the JMS broker.
Producer Count
Total number of producers related to all available destinations of the JMS broker.

If Stomp transportconnector is defined in activemq.xml, connection URL for that transport.
If Stomp over SSL transportconnector is defined in activemq.xml, connection URL for that transport.
Store Limit
Assigned disk space to store persistent messages.
Store Percent Usage
Percentage of the assigned disk space that has been used up to store persistent messages.
Store Usage
Disk space used by the persistence messages.
Temp Limit
Assigned disk storage to spool non-persistent messages.
Temp Percent Usage
Percentage of the assigned disk storage that has been used up to spool non-persistent messages.
Temp Usage
Disk space used by the non-persistent messages.
Connection URL for VM transportconnector.