Monday, January 16, 2017

Frequently used tcpdump commands

* View available network interfaces
tcpdump -D

* Capture and prints only 10 packets from a single available interface:
tcpdump -i [any_available_interface] -c 10

* Capture and prints packets from a single available interface and display more contents inside packets.
tcpdump -l -v -i [any_available_interface]

* Capture packets and grep for a specific word.
tcpdump -l -v -i [any_available_interface] | grep [any_possible_available_word]

* Capture and prints packet details including header values in ASCII and HEX
tcpdump -l -v -X -i [any_available_interface]

* Capture and prints tcp packets from specific_src_IP:port 80 to specific_dst_IP
tcpdump -l -i [any_available_interface] port 80 and dst [any_available_IP] and src [any_available_IP] and tcp

* Capture packets from specified host and write those packets to a file.
tcpdump -w /file/path.pcap -l -i lo host [any_available_IP]

* Read and filter the packets through port 80 from above saved file and print details.
tcpdump -r /file/path.pcap -l -v port 80

Friday, January 13, 2017

Useful REGEXs

^ - says start matching from the beginning of the string.
\d - says match only digits
+ - says match minimum 1 or more occurrences
* - says match minimum 0 or more occurrences
$ - says matching happens until the end of the string.

^\d+$ - Numeric Only

^\D+$ - Characters only

^true$|^false$ - True or False only

^\d+(,\d+)*$ - Comma separated digits only (1,2,3,5)

^\d+(:\d+)$ - Two digits separated by Colon (10:00)

^(\d+(:\d+)(-\d+(:\d+)))$ - Two groups of Two digits separated by colon, connected by a dash (8:00-10:00)